Monday, October 3, 2016

Chopped 2016 review: Ratbag Crew

It felt so good to be away by myself with like minded loons. No one judging me. Just Ratbagging on!

Ratbags.. song is a work in process, I need to go on a motorbike date with my two favourite punks, featured below. Far out brussel sprout! I've been picking my boys all wrong- you gotta get them young and train them how to be badass sweet men xxxxx

Being a ratbag is the funnest thing to do.
Watch out for me and my ratbag crew.


The boss himself, Chris Russell- Always the one with the biggest smile and warmest cuddle. God Bless ya Chriso! X

Thanks to the babes from Guantonomo Baywatch for the hilarious times. And especially my GB hubby for the late night cuddle through the freezing Chopped night! Legend shredders. 

Cheers to the Rev Hort Heat for making my night and the mosh pit go LOCO!

Local babes from Drunk Mums nailed it- first time I'd seen them since we played Community Cup with them 4 years back. Legend babes. xxx

A big thanks to Ebony, Ryan, Honey and the chopped crew for having me back for the staff party. I found myself tucked up in a warm bed in Castlemaine Monday morning after we nearly got flooded in. Hosts with the most.