Friday, August 5, 2011

Debating a parking fine

To whom it may concern,

My name is Ruby Koomen, I am a 23 year old political student, journalist and farmer from Pakenham.

On Tuesday the 2nd of August, I received a parking fine of $122 for having my car parked halfway in a car park outside the National bank. I ran into report a stolen wallet and cancel my cards, I was in a hurry as I didn't want anyone to use my credit cards (I have the filed paperwork from the police to confirm this). I could find no other parks in the area as there was works on a new supermarket complex across the road from my bank, where the bulk of the parks in Pakenham used to be placed.

I was only in the bank for about five or ten minutes in this time a parking inspector managed to fine me more than half or my weekly youth allowance payment. 

I would like to debate this matter and I would like to have these charges withdrawn. It was a silly lapse in consciousness in my mind, I never realized that the country town I love had the capacity to inflict such pain on its residence. I spent some time in a sever depression and I am now still doubting my faith in society as a result of the incident. I promise never to make this mistake again.
The ticket parking number is: 1121543134812
Make: Toyota
Vehicle Number: Sedan
Colour: White
Offence: 0793- Stopping contrary to a no stopping sign
Location: James Street Pakenham

I have a couple of questions, maybe you can help me with. 

Why is it that parking fines in Pakenham are far more exorbitantly priced than in the City of Melbourne (where my student accommodation is)? 

Secondly, who benefits from these dollars if you do make me pay them? I hope it's a charity. Because as I have stated I am baffled at the huge cost to the citizen for such a minor offence. Such as having half of your car out of a line, when it was absolutely not obstructing anybodies safety. I'm sorry I am very frustrated, I haven't been able to eat anything but cheese on toast this week and was hoping for some vegetables. 

Thirdly, do these parking inspectors receive a commission for making people this unhappy. I was severely depressed after receiving this fine. My faith in humanity once again collapsed. Why is it the poor stay poor and the rich stay rich and greedy?

And lastly, how is it that you expect a student on a centrelink income or any pensioner or low income earner to pay such hefty fines? Isn't this similar to robbery? If you are paid less doesn't it make more sense to have a fine for the poor? I wish i had this money I really do. I am going to try hard to make it but at the moment it's hard. 

I volunteer at many great organizations around Melbourne I can get letters to prove I am not a criminal.

I look forward to your reply,
From a disheartened member of the community
Miss Ruby Koomen


Dear Miss Koomen,

Thank you for your correspondence recieved 8 August 2011 in relation to the above infringement notice. 

The policing of statutory prohibitions are an extremely difficult task for Council Officers, however, a necessary function to regulate parking behaviour.

Parking restrictions of this nature are regarded as high safety risk or traffic manament concern. They are put into place in order to address public safety and traffic issues. These restrictions are regularly enforced to minimise the possible associated risks.

I note your comments where you stopped in a no stopping zone due to a lapse in consciousness in your mind. However; parking your vehicle in this section of road causes safety concerns for other motorists and any pedestrians. The signs in this short distance are clearly visible to motorists. 

In view of the above the infringement notice has not been withdrawn.

You've expressed that you are experiencing hardship; Council does at its discretion offer Payment Plans. Please find enclosed a payment plan request form.

Yours sincerely,
Alan Giachin
Manager Compliance

Me right now... pretty furious at my old mate Alan's inability to answer any of my questions. 
Pretty sure the First Australians wouldn't smack this one on me. I wish we were living in the dream time. One day, these greedy, safety freaks will realize there is more to life than boring beauracracy and stupid rules... how many more rules can these fools possibly make? 

Smack me with a parking fine you greedy dudes
It breaks me to pieces that you're so heartless and rude

But on the day that this world turns to black
I know that you'll realize that you were the twat

Instead of spreading the love, you filled the world with hate
And you'll be the last asked to enter when we get to the gate

Right now my insides explode at your love for the system
But I guess that's what happens in a world where you don't listen

I don't mean to disrespect you, it's just that you make me sad
In the end you'll realize us rebels weren't actually the bad.

Tra la la la la 

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