Episode 4 of Garageland was a total hoot. Came into the studio on a bit of a down after a pretty rough week, but nothing that a few tracks from some psychadellic lords couldn't fix.
Had a couple of bad ass boys come into the studio and keep me company.
Darren Cordeux from new Melbourne band Deep Scene came into the studio to sing a couple of songs solo. You might remember Daz's distinct voice from iconic Australian pop punk band Kiss Chasey. All my teenage pop punk days came flying back to me- I even pulled out my old skate board from the garage, ate shit straight away. What a gorgeous voice, looking forward to hearing his newest recordings from Deep Scene.

Deep Scene are playing their second show this Friday at Woody's Bar with Flour. It's going to be a real hoot.
Pablos Andres rocked the last half hour with his favourite tunes. One of the busiest rock and roll boys in Melbourne. He's the guitar slinger in punk roustabouts Mesa Cosa and the brain child behind touring company Bone Soup, who are also putting out some great albums. Lovely guy sick tunes.
This weeks playlist:
The Clash | Garageland
Lobby Loyde and The Coloured Balls Something New | Ball Power|
Brant Bjork | I Miss my Chick | Keep Your Cool
ORB | Iron Mountain | Birth
Deafcult | Conditions | Hoppledoy Records
GURR | Breath Leess | In My Head
Super Wild Horses | 89 Cadet
Terry | 8 Girls
The Ettes | Girl I'll Never Be
The Social Surgeons | Dangerous Times | Self Titled- Out October 9th
The Dirtbombs | Underdog |
Hitmen | Rock and Roll Soldiers |
Digger and The Pussy Cats | Spanish Jacket
White Caves | Dig
Darren Cordeau from Deep Scene live in the Studio
Deep Scene| Lie On My Lips (LIVE IN STUDIO)
Deep Scene | Side Waves (LIVE IN STUDIO)
The Counciil Capital T
Natural Child | Shame Walkin
Cy Barkley | BlackOut
Useless Eaters | Desperate Living
Nun Of Tongye | Moving Away
Hot Wibngs - Afro Surf
The Exotics | Coo Coo
Pablos Andres picks for the evening:
COACH WHIPS | You Gotta Get It
Devilla 666 | La Crudad
Grave Diggaz | 1-8000 Suicide
The Beastie Boys | Live at PJs
Untitled | The King Brothers
Messa Cosa | Day Of The Dead
We sadly offended someone on the airwaves after playing rap track 1800-Suicide by the Grave Diggaz which I obviously feel terrible about. Having just gone through my own mental break down and having lost too many of my friends and a cousin to suicide. I'm really sorry that the song was offensive, I always just look at rock and roll as an art form to discuss social issues that are not talked about properly to the public. But I will be more aware of it in the future,
Lifeline number is: 131114
I've called them numerous times when going through a mental breakdown and when I see the crazy voodoo things and spirits I see. Always good to talk to someone that is not in your life and won't judge your thoughts or thinking process. For anyone that may be experiencing suicidal thoughts. There are alway people to talk to and that want to help and by no means are you the only one thinking about it. It's hard when you live in such a jaded society based on greed, when all we need is a bit of love.
Looking forward to next week! Off to do a Troggs interview now.
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