Friday, December 16, 2011

The Punk Rock Warriors: Ruby Soho Song

Just more proof that:

This week, police gathered a group of detained Indonesian punks at a police school in Aceh Besar in Aceh province. Sharia police are "morally rehabilitating" more than 60 young punk rock fans, saying the youths tarnish the province's staunch Islamic image. After being arrested at a punk rock concert in the provincial capital Banda Aceh Saturday night, 59 male and five female punk rock fans have been forced to have their hair cut, bathe in a lake, change clothes and pray.

Don't they realize that singing and dancing to punk rock is like praying? But even better, because people all know what they are praying about. 

Here's a song I wrote for my Indonesian punk rock warriors. Bless there sparkling souls and there attitude problems. 

For The Punk Rock Warriors
By Ruby Soho 16/12/2011

I cried a thousand tears tonight
For all the rock and rollers that have lost there right
To fight and jump and scream for punk
Because the evil aggressors of hate still trump

There cowards and bullies in pathetic attire
That throw the legends of our youth behind wire
They shave our heads and burn there shirts
And stamp our heads into the dirt

Little do they know that judgement day is near
And for all the crimes they've permitted there future they must fear
For no one can hide for the truth we are beginning to know
The weak minded and the guilty scum won\t last when our army grows.

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