Friday, October 7, 2011

Ruby Soho Lyrics: No Remorse

This is a song I wrote about pedophiles and rapists. It's pretty gorry.. I think you'll get the point.

I wrote it after someone hacked into my computer as a 16 year old and sent an image of me half nude to a bunch of my guy friends. It wasn't pretty. Old benedictine nun Ruby couldn't handle it.

Whoever that cockhead was fuck you and this is the song I wrote about you.

Oh and once again to the police force who said they could do nothing about it? What can they do, I ask sometimes.

Whatever it was a violation of privacy and I was pissed. Lucky I had my guitar to vent on,

No Remorse Lyrics... By Ruby Soho

Verse 1.
If I had a razor I'd use it on your throat
Rip out all your insides and then feed them to a goat
The Pain that you;d be suffering would make you fly astray
I'd leave you there 20 years or so until my pain was paid

And the funniest thing about doing this
Is I would feel no remorse I'd watch it a million times over
And still want to see it more... more.... more

Verse 2.
If I had a pen I would fill it full of acid
Shove it in your eye and watch you die inplacid
I'd watch it tear up your skin
and then eat your insides and heart from within

And the funniest thing about doing this
Is I would feel no remorse I'd watch it a million times over
And still want to see it more... more.... more

Verse 3.
If I was satan I would remove your soul (if you had one)
Suck it out of you until you were bluer than the ocean
I'd leave your harmless corpse and still feel no remorse
My life would be so complete I'd be in pure bliss....

And the funniest thing about doing this
Is I would feel no remorse I'd watch it a million times over
And still want to see it more... more.... more

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