Monday, September 5, 2016

Dear Media, Friends, Family,

I am a flower farmer, florist, secondary teacher and musician and run a small record/ flower delivery service in Melbourne (Rock and Roll Mecca of the World). I am currently illegally (to my belief) locked up in one of Australia’s mental health facilities- St Vincents Mental Care Unit, in Fitzroy.

I am contacting you today to seek help as I am in some serious mental distress as a result of this unit and so are my fellow patients at St Vincents mental health ward. I was locked up in your mental facility last Wednesday as my parents thought I was acting manic after my 29th birthday party. I was acting out in what was my Saturn returns. For more information:
I did punch my ex boyfriend in the head and push a couple of other boys around but to be fair they deserved it as they were being rude to me.

I was arrested (handcuffs and all) from my home in North Carlton where I was having a peaceful bath. The only explanation I got was that I had told my parents that I didn't want to go back to the farm with them. We grow amazing locally grown roses (-:

I have been illegally detained in the mental health unit (according to several articles in the declaration of human rights).

I am getting pumped full of drugs (that I don’t usually take as I have a no drug policy as I have lost friends under similar circumstance). The staffs have been good and bad but it has been a pretty traumatic experience for someone who is recovering from abuse from my past.

Someone in my manic state made me sign a Mental Contract when I was in a manic state.

I become manic when I can’t sleep properly this am usually after a great trauma- this time being the break up- broken hearts are the worst). The worst thing is they won’t let me sleep. They walk in every hour to check if I’m sleeping (I’m on suicide watch, which is ridiculous because I would never do that) its sleep torture.

Us mental inmates today had our only joy of the day taken away from us. Our outdoor courtyard that is going to be closed for the next three weeks for renovations $60,000 of government funded money. There is nowhere for us to go, the staff haven’t told us where we can go. I have been in since last Wednesday (nearly a week) and there has been no one has told me what is going on, there has been no counselling (as a trauma patient I should have counselling at least once a day in a lock up facility like this).
I have asked to go for a swim, run, play my guitar but it’s all NO NO NO!

My psychiatrist hasn't been to see me since the day I entered (I have my own by the way/ and psychologist but no one bothered to ask or discuss it with them). My psychologist is based in Fitzroy that I see once a month and if I could afford my psychiatrist ($310 an hour) I would go see her more. But she is based in Doncaster. These women are both wonderful, wise and older than me so admire them as mentors as well as professionals.

The St Vinnies facility is good enough and I am blessed enough to have my own bed, but why waste this good government bed on me when I have a perfectly good bed at home in Carlton North, where I would like to be healing my heart properly.

Since being in here I have not been able to play my guitar, even though I have requested the nurses every day at least five or six times if I could play it. My guitar has been my only saviour since I was a teenager, when I started to loose a lot of friends in car accidents and suicide. My guitar and my belief in god are my saviour.

I requested a bible, rosemary beads and a Chaplan or to be taken to church on Sunday, this request was also denied.

I also had plans all week that I was not able to do.
I have already missed one week of business at Ruby Soho Flowers, this is funded by the government under the NEIS program, so I find it pretty ironic that I am in here today.

I have missed two shows already with my new band BITCH DEISEL, including a festival called Winters End Festival down in Woodend which I am absolutely devastated about.

This is a decent facility don’t get me wrong. It has certainly been nice to get away from my friends and family who I have counselled through endless issues over the years. And it’s been nice to finally deal with some serious trauma issues that I have never had time to deal with. Such as death, physical and mental abuse, substance and drug abuse.

However this facility is so caught up in bureaucracy that the nurses and staff don’t have time to care for the patients. It’s extremely frustrating for me to see. As a result I have decided to do my PhD on The Better Care of Inpatients in Psych Wards and Prisons.

The courtyard will be closed for three weeks so the inmates have nowhere to exercise or sit in the garden and meditate. They are talking about giving us accompanied visits by the nurses, who are already too busy to pay proper attention to us anyway. We are bound by legal contracts so we are not allowed to swim, run, go for a walk or heal. It breaks my heart seeing my fellow inmates go through the same pain as me.

I’ve discussed it with the inmates we would like to do the garden together. Make it a perfect mess just like our lives.

All we really want is to have a dart, a cuppa, a chat, a hug, do some exercise and discuss our stories with anyone that will listen.

All we really want is some love.
Can someone help a sister out?

Much love to all, especially my other brothers and sister locked up in detention centres and prisons all over the world. I feel your frustration. It just isn’t right,

Warm Regards,
Ruby Soho
(Ruby Martha Koomen)
Inpatient -From In St Vincent’s, Mental Ward, Fitzroy.

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